Regulating home education

​​​In Victoria, home education is a recognised alternative to attending school. It means that a parent* or both parents assume the overall responsibility for their child’s educational program.

There’s a great deal of flexibility in the arrangements and you don’t have to follow any particular curriculum. It’s up to you.

More than 5000 children from around 3000 families are registered for home education across the state.

Registering students

The VRQA is Victoria's home education regulator. Our responsibilities are set out in the Education and Training Reform Act 2006 and the Education and Training Reform Regulations 2017.

The law says that any child of compulsory school age (6–17 years) who is being educated at home must be registered with the VRQA. There is also the option to combine school and home education.

By registering, parents agree to provide their child with regular and efficient instruction, which taken as a whole substantially addresses eight learning areas.

We respect parents' right to design an educational program that meets their child's needs. Our job is to make sure any such program complies with the regulations, which means we may refuse or cancel registration in certain circumstances.

New requirements

New requirements for home education came into effect as part of the Education and Training Reform Regulations 2017. These changes include:

  • a new application process — a learning plan now must be submitted with all applications

  • the option to apply to exempt a student from receiving instruction in one or more of the learning areas

  • annual reviews of registrations.

We have worked closely with members of the community and the Victorian Home Education Advisory Committee to apply the new regulations.

We are here to help

Our dedicated home education team manages registrations and reviews. Please contact us if you have any questions.
Phone: 03 9637 2806  
For more information, see:

*The term ‘parent’ in relation to a child, includes a guardian and any person who has parental responsibility for the child under the Family Law Act 1975 (Cth).