Contact us

General enquiries

Phone: +61 3 9637 2806 (from 9:00 am–5:00 pm, Monday–Friday)​


Online enquiry form

Apprenticeship and traineeship enquiries

Phone: 1300 722 603 (10:00 am–4:30 pm, Monday–Friday)


Home schooling enquiries

See: Contact us


There’s a chance there will be a delay receiving postal correspondence in the current circumstances. We recommend you email us or use the online enquiry form where possible.

Street address

Postal address

Level 4
2 Lonsdale Street
Melbourne  Vic 3000

GPO Box 2317
Melbourne Vic 3001

Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS)

If you want to speak to us in your own language, call TIS on 131 450.

Tell the operator the language you speak and ask the operator to call us.

Media enquires

Enquiries from the media must be made through the Department of Education's Media Unit:

Phone: +61 3 8688 7776

Enquiries about our events can be directed to the VRQA’s Communications Manager:

Phone: +61 3 9059 5267

Privacy or website feedback

You can also contact us though our online enquiry form if you are experiencing difficulties with this website or would like to provide feedback on your experience with the website. Any personal information you provide is collected in accordance with our privacy statement and is used only in responding to you.