Application process for registering an independent school

​Independent school registration – Application process

Legislative background

The Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority (VRQA) may register a school under Part 4.3 of the Education and Training Reform Act 2006 (ETR Act). The VRQA must not register a school unless it is satisfied that it meets the minimum standards for registration of schools in the Education and Training Reform Regulations 2017 (Regulations) and the requirements in the ETR Act.

An application for registration must be made by no later than 30 June in the year before the school intends to commence operations (Regulation 64).

An application for registration must contain all of the required information in schedule 5 of the Regulations, documents referred to in schedule 4, and evidence that the school is a not-for-profit school (Regulation 65(1)).

Some information or documentation may be provided later but must be provided before the VRQA can register the school (Regulation 65(2)). For example, final student enrolment details, details of Principal and teaching staff, occupancy certificate. 


  1. The VRQA conducts pre-application information sessions in February for organisations interested in applying to become a registered independent school. The session covers the minimum standards and requirements for registration, and the application process.
  2. Applicants are encouraged to meet with a VRQA Registration team member. Prior to the meeting, applicants must complete a form detailing key information about their proposed school. Meetings take place in March and April and are an opportunity for applicants to ask questions and receive high level preliminary feedback on any issues their proposal raises in relation to the minimum standards.
  3. Prior to 30 June, prospective applicants may contact the VRQA to seek additional guidance. 


  1. Applications must be submitted by 30 June and contain all of the required information and evidence.
  2. The VRQA then reviews the application to ensure it is complete. A complete application contains all the information and evidence required by the Regulations (see above). If the application is complete, it is progressed to assessment.
  3. If the application is incomplete, the applicant is notified in writing and afforded 10 business days to provide the missing information or evidence. If the application remains incomplete, the applicant is notified in writing that their application cannot be progressed. Complete applications are progressed to assessment.
  4. A common reason why applications are incomplete is because the applicant does not have a planning permit. The Regulations require an applicant to have a planning permit. Additionally, applicants without a planning permit in June are unlikely to complete building works prior to Term 1 and be able to be registered by the VRQA.


  1. The application is assessed against the minimum standards and requirements for school registration.
  2. If an application is not compliant, the applicant is provided with a detailed rectification plan outlining the non-compliances and actions required to be taken.
  3. If an application is significantly non-compliant the VRQA will meet with the applicant to go through the rectification plan. As appropriate, applicants will be encouraged to seek advice from Independent Schools Victoria, a qualified accountant or lawyer.
  4. Applicants are afforded 28 days to submit further information and evidence to demonstrate they are compliant with the minimum standards and requirements for registration. 


  1. The VRQA assesses any additional information and evidence.
  2. If the applicant has demonstrated it is compliant, a recommendation is made to the delegate (VRQA CEO) to register the school.
  3. If the application remains non-compliant, the applicant can choose to withdraw their application or alternatively, a recommendation is made to the delegate to reject the application.
  4. If an application is rejected by the delegate, applicants may seek an administrative review at VCAT. 

Policy document: